Monday, September 14, 2009


In a far off land, there was an ancient forest which humans and elves and orcs never entered. It had grown in a day, created by powerful nature magic, and towered over the countryside. Since its creation 700 years ago, it has been forbidden to all. but some creatures ignore this warning, and make their home inside.

In the center of this forest is the ruin of a stone tower. The forest itself seems to leave space for this relic. The walls, once soaring 13 stories above the ground, now stand at only five feet tall. This is high enough for the current occupants - Goblins.

Over the centuries, multiple trible of Goblins have created a stable civilization in this ruined castle. Here, they raise pigs and farm mushrooms, they work and trade, they raise their children. And they also fight to protect it all.

The Goblins' castle is coveted by kobolds - tiny rat men living in tunnels and caves underneatht the ancient forest. The Goblins stand watch for them, but have kept their home safe so far. But if the Kobolds were ever to unite, instead of bickering amongst themselves, the Goblins might not withstand their might. And even if the Kobolds never succeed, there are many other threats to Goblinkind in the ancient forest - some immigrants like them, others created by the magic of the forest.

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