So I tried GMing Old School Hack recently, and it kinda fell flat. The players created some really awesome characters, including a dwarf who wore armor made of the bones of her ancestors and a cleric named Red Warrior with armor made of a log. (he could pull himself inside and hide!)
But I was winging it, like I assumed was best for Old School Hack, and I came up with some uninspiring arenas and I think it hurt player creativity. How awesome can you be when a goblin and some gnolls ambush along a straight road? Walk up, hit stuff till it falls down.
Part of my problem is lack of experience with the system, but the other part is just that I couldn't come up with a lot of awesome ideas. I've never really though of encounters as grand, sweeping battles like you see in movies. I've always treated them like the orc in a room with a pie. Adding detail in the moment has always been one of my weak areas.
To that end, I've decided to start a project. I'm going to create one hundred encounters for Old School Hack, complete with monster stat blocks and notes for how they'll act. Each one will have multiple arenas of different types, connected together in interesting ways. I'll probably rely heavily on monster manuals and convert a lot of monsters in the process.
And if I can complete this project, I'll know I can overcome my Gamer ADD and stick with a game for more than like a week. Seriously, that's been an issue with me.
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