Here's the first of my writeups for the teen Titans, Robin! I'm designing a Marvel event that's a reboot of the Teen Titans cartoon series. I plan to write up as many Titans as I can, grabbing people from the later seasons of the cartoon as well as other DC heroes too.
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Solo d10 Buddy d6 Team d8
I'm nobody's sidekick!
Flying Grayson
Professional Crimefighter
Power Sets:
Vigilante Training
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Counterattack – On a reaction against a Physical Stress attack action, inflict Physical Stress with your effect die at no PP cost, or spend a PP to step it up by +1.
SFX: Focus – If a pool includes a Vigilante Training power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Exhausted – Shutdown any Vigilante Training power to gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.
Utility Belt
Bo staff and Birdarangs (Attack) d8
Swingline (Movement) d6
SFX: Bola – Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a “Tied up” complication at range.
Limit: Gear – Shutdown Utility Belt and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Combat Master d10
Crime Expert d8
Covert expert d8
Acrobatic Master d10
Tech Expert d8
Shadow of the Bat
1 XP the first time in a scene when you insist that you're not a sidekick
3 XP when you call on your training with the Batman or your reputation as the Boy Wonder
10 XP when you accept the Batman's influence on your career or vow to never become like him
“Titans, Go!”
1 XP when you perform a support action in a team
3 XP when you come up with a plan in battle
10 XP when you're declared the leader fo the team, or you step aside and allow someone else to lead
Solo d10 Buddy d6 Team d8
I'm nobody's sidekick!
Flying Grayson
Professional Crimefighter
Power Sets:
Vigilante Training
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Counterattack – On a reaction against a Physical Stress attack action, inflict Physical Stress with your effect die at no PP cost, or spend a PP to step it up by +1.
SFX: Focus – If a pool includes a Vigilante Training power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
Limit: Exhausted – Shutdown any Vigilante Training power to gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.
Utility Belt
Bo staff and Birdarangs (Attack) d8
Swingline (Movement) d6
SFX: Bola – Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a “Tied up” complication at range.
Limit: Gear – Shutdown Utility Belt and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover.
Combat Master d10
Crime Expert d8
Covert expert d8
Acrobatic Master d10
Tech Expert d8
Shadow of the Bat
1 XP the first time in a scene when you insist that you're not a sidekick
3 XP when you call on your training with the Batman or your reputation as the Boy Wonder
10 XP when you accept the Batman's influence on your career or vow to never become like him
“Titans, Go!”
1 XP when you perform a support action in a team
3 XP when you come up with a plan in battle
10 XP when you're declared the leader fo the team, or you step aside and allow someone else to lead