Saturday, June 2, 2012

Starfire Datafile

Here's the second of my Teen Titans datafiles:

Starfire (Koriand'r)


Solo d6 Buddy d8 Team d10


Alien Exchange Student
Acts on Instinct
Tamaranean Princess

Power Sets:

Tamaranean Biology
Flight d10
Energy Blasts d10
Superhuman Durability d10
Enhanced Strength d8
Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Multipower – Use 2 Tamaranean Biology powers in one dice pool, stepping each down by -1.
SFX: Guardian – Spend 1 PP to take Physical Stress intended for a nearby ally or friend.
SFX: Area Effect – When throwing Energy Blasts, add a d6 and keep an extra effect die for each additional target.
Limit: Powered by Emotion - Shutdown any Tamaranean Biology power to gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.

Cosmic Expert d8
Psych Expert d8


This Planet is Strange and Wonderful
1 XP when you first remark on earth customs in a scene.
3 XP when your lack of familiarity with Earth culture or technology causes you to take Stress.
10XP When you either find a place in this world or decide you'll always be an outsider among earthlings.

Friendship is Glorious!
1 XP when you first mention friends or friendship in a scene.
3 XP when you help a friend recover stress.
10 XP when your friendship with a member of the team seriously endangers the mission or your teammates, or allows you to triumph against the odds.

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