Friday, July 6, 2012


I'm a big fan of the New Warriors, and my favorite is the masked marvel, Speedball! He's got a lot going on inside that noggin, despite what his teammates might think. I really hated his transformation into Penance, but I've only read half of vol 1, so there might be a transition that I missed. Anyway, here's an early Speedball, from vol. 1 of New Warriors!

Robbie Baldwin
Solo d6 - Buddy d10 - Team d8

Kinetic Wonder, Lighthearted Spaz, Responsibility Deficient

Kinetic Blast d8
Bouncing d10
Godlike Durability d12
SFX: Kinetic Absorption - On a successful reaction against a physical attack, convert your opponent's effect die into a Kinetic Field stunt or step up a Kinetic Field power by +1 for your next action. Spend 1 PP to use this stunt if your opponent's action succeeds.
SFX: Versatile - Split a Kinetic Field power into two dice at -1 step or three dice at -2 steps.
SFX: Collateral Damage - Instead of spending 1 PP, add d6 to the doom pool to create a Kinetic Field stunt.
SFX: Can't Touch Me - Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from physical attacks as well as gas, vacuum, and pressure.
LIMIT: Uncontrollable - Change any Kinetic Field power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

SPECIALTIES: Crime Expert d8


The Masked Marvel

1 xp when you switch into or out of your secret identity.
3 xp when your personal life interferes with being a super hero, or someone close to you is harmed by your dangerous lifestyle.
10 xp when you reveal your identity to the world or when you give up being a superhero and live full-time in your more mundane life.

New Warrior

1 xp when you give support to another hero.
3 xp when you're given an official place on a team, or confront a team member about your place on the team.
10 xp when you either sacrifice something you hold dear for the benefit of your team or walk away from your team to avoid that sacrifice.