Monday, March 12, 2012

C&C House Rules

So here's what I'm going with for house rules. I may add or subtract from this list, and none are 100% set in stone. If there's a better way to play, I'm open to it.

Here's my list of Castles and Crusades house rules

UPDATED 5/29/12 - After GMing with these rules and playing under different ones, I'm revising my chosen house rules. 3d6 is changing to 4d6 drop lowest. Also, I'm returning to the default initiative rules. Also added clarifications regarding the upkeep costs.

Tweaked SIEGE Mechanic – I use 15 as the challenge base to determine total challenge class, and give +5 bonus to SIEGE checks for Prime scores. This results in slightly easier SIEGE checks, as well as easier math for me, as I don't have to bother calculating the CC based on Prime/Secondary stats. I'll have to update the character sheet from a checkbox to a number bonus in the Prime column.

Ability Score Generation – To determine ability scores, roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die and then arrange to taste.

Simple Encumbrance – Encumbrance rules are loosely followed. I'm not going to bother with it most of the time, but if it gets out of hand, I reserve the right to check and make you drop some stuff if you're carrying too much.

Simple Upkeep – I charge a flat amount per day for food, lodging, and other around-the-town necessities. This is dependent on the economic level of the area and the desired lifestyle, as shown on the chart below. Some options may not be available in some areas. This is based on a roaming lifestyle - renting rooms, buying tavern food, etc. For sedentary life, as a normal farmer or citizen would have, reduce these prices to one-fifth.

Living quality Price per day
Extravagant 8 gp
Good 3 gp
Common 1 gp
Poor 5 sp

FLAILSNAILS Compatible – Characters from other versions of D&D or D&D variants are accepted into my games as long as they adhere to the FLAILSNAILS conventions. Higher-level characters will be handicapped as per the default handicapping chart. Powers and skills from other versions of D&D will be replaced by SIEGE checks though those identical to class abilities in C&C will function normally.

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