No. Encountered 2-12, 10-60
Size: Small
HD: 1 (d6)
Move: 20 ft.
AC: 15
Attacks: Weapon (as weapon), Antler Charge 2d4
Special: Telepathy (Antlered animals only),
Saves: Dex, Int, Cha
Int: Average
Alignment: Neutral Good
Type: Humanoid
Treasure: 1
XP: 10 + 1/hp
Toridoki are short, one-eyed forest dwellers. Their hands and feet are oversized, and they are covered on their heads and backs with a rough coat of chicken feathers.A pair of branching antlers grow out from above their eyebrows. Like a stag's, these antlers grow larger and branch more as a Toridoki ages. unlike deer, however, both male and female Toridoki grow antlers. Different families of Toridoki have antlers that resembled different animals: elk, moose, deer, etc.
Toridoki make their homes in forests, and are fiercely defensive of their territory. They are slow to trust but very loyal. They live in villages of 10-60 Toridoki in treetop huts, carefully constructed to blend into the forest canopy. They farm mushrooms and fruits, as well as construct traps and hunt for small game. Toridoki encountered away from the village will be hunting parties, consisting of 2-12 Toridoki led by a veteran who fights as a 3rd level ranger.
Toridoki fashion weapons from wood and stone, blessing them with nature magic to work as well as steel. They favor spears and maces for battle, and short bows for hunting. They carve armor from wooden plates (scale mail equivalent). They are excellent at setting snares and other woodland traps. For every village there is a spirit shaman who casts as a 3rd level druid and often has a jackalope familiar.
Toridoki have a connection to animals in the forest, and honor any who must serve as food. They boast a special connection to deer, elk, moose, and other antlered animals that verges on telepathy.When in trouble, a Toridoki may call one of these animals to rescue it. In battle, the animal will fight as a Herd Animal (M&T 48). In cases of all-out war, Toridoki ride antlered animals as mounts. Toridoki treat antlered animals as equals, always asking permission to ride them, and mourn them when other hunt them for food.
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